Wednesday 14 August 2013

There's someone's daughter in every porno you see. Confessions of a porn star-turned Christian!

I read an interview about Jenni, an ex-porn star who spent 15 yrs in the porn industry, got repented and turned to Christ. Pornography is demonic, it is a huge sin before God. It is one of the most active avenues the devil uses to lead people especially youths to hell. Some people claim, well, I don't do it, I only see.

That act of seeing alone is sinful. It is what you see that goes into your mind. However, it takes great determination and the swift help of God to overcome it. Know any addict around you? Tell them to stop it, pray for them. Read excerpts from the interview.

*How it all started

I started out by doing other things first like dancing in a nude bar, doing bachelor parties, and escorting. I needed the money and hadn't finished school and was living on my own at that point. I started living that sex industry lifestyle so eventually someone suggested that I do porn and it sounded like it paid really well and it was legal so I decided to contact a local agent who got me started. The agent got me a scene in a cheap hotel in Denver and that's how it all started. I had no idea what I was getting myself into at the time.

*Recovering from porn addiction.

It was very hard at first but it felt really good to just finally let go and be free from all of it. My only fear was being able to survive without the money. The money kept me hooked. I was worried how I could take care of myself and my child. But I decided I would rather be homeless than ever sell my self again. Once you let go of the money, it's much easier to get out.

I feel like the only way I could recover from that is with God in my life. God gives me hope that I didn't have before. The past few years have been hard but so worth it. Things that helped me have been constant support from others, prayer, God's word, and lots of love. The most difficult things have been trying to break old habits and trying to have a "real job".

It's all about learning to live a new way, a better way. I think my recovery is an ongoing thing and it takes alot of time. I was in for many years and there was alot of damage done. I know alot more about porn now than I ever did when I was doing it.

*Jesus Christ as a significant part of her recovery

I know Jesus was the only way I could get out and stay out for good! For once, I had hope. Jesus saved my life. His love is amazing and I had never experienced love like that before. It was so intense that it hurt sometimes. My mind is being renewed daily by Him.

All of the lies that ruled my life are being replaced with the truth, God's word. I had realized that God was my father and would take care of me. He started to fix things in me that were broken. I become stronger in my faith every day. I don't think He is done yet. he is still working on me.

I think I am a better mother now because of all of this too. I would not have done any of this if were not for my little boy. I want him to know the truth about porn and treat women with respect.

Reaching out to others helps me heal. God's love fills that void now. I told myself when I was trapped in porn, that if I ever got out (which I thought I never would) that I would try to help women out of that world. There was no help for women like me. I am passionate about it.

*Reaching out to other girls.

I definitely think that's where God wants me, going back into that nightmare to help save people from it. When I see some of those girls, I see me at 18. There was no such thing as The Pink Cross when I did porn. I know that porn is a major problem and it seems not much is being done about it.

I love The Pink Cross Foundation and will continue to work with them. There is a certain way to handle the porn issue and educating and informing everyone makes a difference. I also plan on moving from Colorado to California to help with the cause.

*Jenni's word to everyone.

Men, GOD LOVES YOU! I love you too and I will always pray for all of you, for the chains to be broken. You are a slave to porn much as much any porn star. If you are viewing porn or addicted to porn, you are trying to fill a void inside of you that only God can fill.

Whenever you look at porn, you are making the void bigger, and you will destroy your life. It evil it is a drug and it is poison and a lie. If you think you can keep it in the dark, God will bring it out into the light to stop you and heal you. These women are precious and deserve to be loved just as much as you do.

There is a real person on the other side of the images you are seeing, and you are destroying her life and the lives of her children. Every porno has somebody's daughter in it. What if it were your little girl? You may actually be assisting in someone's death! Male and female porn actors die all of the time from AIDS, drug overdoses, suicides, etc. Please stop looking at porn.

Read the full interview here:

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