Thursday 15 June 2017

Kirk Franklin To Headline Tim Godfrey's FEARLESS 2017 Concert in Lagos.

Tim Godfrey and Rox Nation in collaboration with House On The Rock Lagos have announced Sunday August 13th 2017 as the date for this year’s edition of “FEARLESS” - a gospel musical concert borne out of the need to create a platform to celebrate the work of Jesus on the Cross and the victory it gives to believers. 

The worship concert, which made its debut in 2016 with Marvin Sapp as its headline artiste, had about 6,000 ardent worshippers in attendance.
Fearless 2017, the second edition of the worship concert promises to be even more electrifying as it would feature world renowned gospel artiste, the 12-time Grammy Award, 16-time Dove Award and 23-time Stellar Award winning Kirk Franklin as the headliner alongside multi-talented Gospel artiste, Tim Godfrey and his Xtreme crew at the Rock Cathedral of the House On The Rock Lagos.

Speaking on the collaboration, the Senior Pastor of House On The Rock Churches, Pastor Paul Adefarasin,  said "Tim Godfrey is a son and one of the icons raising the banner of Jesus using the tool of music and we are excited to be part of an historic concert hosting Kirk Franklin at The Rock Cathedral"

Tim Godfrey, writer and producer of the popular song ‘Na You Be God,’ added, “We are built to be Fearless” and "this year is special for me personally because my music has mirrored Kirk Franklin’s. He is one of the biggest influences on my musical career. 

It is a great honour to host the great gospel icon. I imagine that the city of Lagos and Nigeria will shake for Jesus and lives will be transformed”.
Fearless 2017 will be a concert with a difference and you surely do not want to miss out on this exhilarating time in God’s presence.  

August 13th is the date and admission is FREE!!

Thursday 18 May 2017

Micah Stampley, Tim Godfrey, Mike Obasuyi, others for the 'Road Side Of Church' 2.

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The City of Benin, Nigeria would be agog for Christ  as Mike Obasuyi of Deglorious Ministers and Tim Godfrey of Rox Nation takes church to the streets for the second season and in another emphatic style. The second edition of Benin City’s most astounding and life impacting concert “The Roadside Church 2” themed Euphoria will come up on 19th to 21st of May, 2017

Scheduled to hold at KM6, Sapele Road, By Living Faith Church, Benin City. The august event will feature seasoned and anointed music ministers including the multiple award winning American Gospel singer, Micah Stampley, Mike Obasuyi and De Glorious Ministers,Tim Godfrey and Xtreme,Onos Ariyo,Freke Umoh amongst others.Displaying IMG-20170518-WA0001.jpg
Aside the concert which starts by 5pm everyday, provision has also been made available to provide some life enriching aid, and welfare supports to the entire Benin community by 9am on Saturday, 20th of may. Available will be:
·      Free Medical checkups and treatments

·      Incentives for Small scale Business

·      Free breakfast Feeding

·      Welfare support for Old people et.c
It would be 3days of divine awesomeness of Church on the streets of Benin, Nigeria and admission is free. Follow at @degloriousministers @obasuyimichael @timgodfreyworld on Instagram for updates. #theRoadSideChurch #Euphoria

Wednesday 17 May 2017

"I enjoyed making Christians unhappy" Islamic lawyer turned Christian.

I was born into the  Muri kingdom, which is mostly Fulani. My mother, Hajia Aminat Jalingo, is of the Kutep tribe. Contrary to the Islamic tradition of multiple wives, my father married  and maintained only my mother. I am the fifth of nine children. My father lived in many parts of Nigeria, serving in the Army till 1996. My mother also worked with the Nigerian Medical Corps until her retirement in 1992.

I attended the Army Children School, Ikeja Cantonment, Lagos, completed my secondary education at Government Girls’ College Enugu. I studied Mass Communication at the  University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN). After my studies, in 1996, I worked as Programme Producer/Director with the Nigeria Television Authority (NTA), Yola. I got married on April 27, 1997 and God blessed us with a set of twin boys – Hassan and Hussain.

I never believed that I needed salvation for whatever reason, because every Moslem is convinced that Muhammad was the last Prophet in the long line of those that Allah had sent before. The Islamic Hadith (Mishkat) speaks of about 124,000 people who lived at various times in history. Twenty-eight of them are mentioned by name and most are found in the Bible. Since each of them was sent with a word from Allah to warn the respective people not to practice idolatry, to live righteously and to consider the coming Day of Judgement, it is perceived by Moslems that Isa (Jesus), the one to whom is given the greatest prominence in the Qur’an, was like Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses) and most others sent to the Jews. Therefore, when I heard Christians call Him, Lord, I became mad at them.

As a young girl, in the secondary school, and even as an undergraduate, I would delightfully pack copies of the Holy Bible and take them to Kaduna  for destruction, I thought the Bible was demonic. Many are still doing it today, I became Vice President of the youth wing of the Jamaatu Nasril Islam. Very often, I saw Christians happy in every situation; yet, my success at school, which gave me the job at NTA, and brightened my chances of a good husband, could not bring me such peace and happiness, Several people had talked to me about  Christianity, but to me then, Muhammad was the final seal of the prophets. This was my pride as a Fulani girl who saw herself in the greatest religion of all time.

Qu’ran does not teach salvation in Jesus Christ, but it gives Him the greatest prominence. The wonderful statements in the Qu’ran are enough to compel one to search more about Him. The name Jesus (Isa)  occurs about 25 times in the Qu’ran, and the title Messiah is used 93 times.

I hated anything that had to do with Christianity. I was always happy seeing a Christian unhappy and enjoyed hearing that Christians were suffering, but on the 25th of September 1999, I was caught in a web. The day before, we attended the Friday prayers and all went well. At about 1:30a.m. suddenly, an unusually bright light appeared in the bedroom with a mighty wind blowing and throwing all the pictures and other valuables to the ground. My husband and I became afraid. He got up from bed, brought out charms, known in Hausa as “Hayaki”. He placed it on the ground, got hot charcoal and placed the charm on it, but the mighty wind threw it all down. 

Before we could make out anything, a voice thundered, saying: “You have been baptized by the Holy Spirit. Go and be “Tabitha” unto my people”. I asked my husband if he could understand what the voice was saying, but he said that he did not hear any voice. He later concluded that I belonged to a secret cult, which accounted for my hearing voice that he could not hear. He thought that I wanted to sacrifice him or our set of twins. He got angry, took our twins to the guestroom  and abandoned me in the bedroom. I was very worried and couldn’t sleep. In the morning, again, I heard the voice saying: “Tell your husband that you have accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour”. I said “No, I can’t. What has a Fulani got to do with Jesus Christ”, I thought that demons were after me. The thing happened again on 28th and 29th, and each time, there was an invitation to “come and serve”. So I told my husband that I would go to Church the following Sunday. “Not in this house”, he retorted, He might have received my word with shock, yet joy and peace flooded my heart at that time. I knew what I was passing through and it would be disastrous for me not to do what God would want me to do for Him.

On Saturday, after speaking to him about it, I went ahead and bought for myself the first Bible I ever bought or read in my life, and hid it under my box. The next day, Sunday, I picked up my Bible, got into my car and drove to the nearby Baptist Church.

After the service, I came back and met my husband at home. I greeted him but he asked me where I was coming from; I wanted to lie, but heard a voice saying ‘what were you taught in the church today?’ It was "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" So, I told him that I was coming from the Church. He got up in anger, gave me a beating, snatched the Bible from me and wanted to tear it but I told him of the danger of tearing the Bible, so he stopped. He was shocked because he knew that it was my role in the past. So he dropped the Bible in anger and left till the evening. I brought out food for him as usual, but he kicked the food away and warned his sister that no one should eat the food I cooked in the house again for he had declared me an infidel and as a result, I would have nothing to do with the family, even with my own kids. The next day, he went to fetch my father from Makurdi. As I welcomed my father, he too, started beating me with his military belt and boots, until I was unconscious and was taken to the hospital where I stayed for three days. Wonderfully, on the third day, at about 2 a.m., the Lord appeared to me. I noticed a touch on my feet and I woke up trying to see who it was that touched me, but the face was shinning like the sun in such a way that I could not see his face. I only looked at Him from His feet to the chest. I was afraid and screamed for help. One of the nurses came, prayed with me and asked me not to be afraid again. As I said amen to her prayers, I began to speak in tongues for about three hours. I was saying things they could not understand. Some of them thought I was mad but a psychiatric doctor who was called in, confirmed that I was normal.
The figure appeared again. This time He said unto me, "Be bold, for this is temporary: you will overcome the temptation". The fourth day, I was discharged from the hospital. On getting home, my husband gave me a divorce letter, which I collected with joy and told him. ‘I am married to Jesus.’

After that, I packed my things, including my two cars, kept them in someone’s house and traveled to Lagos. My husband took my twins to Saudi Arabia. Not done yet, my father had the man that I had kept my belongings in his house arrested on the grounds that he had abducted me from my husband’s house. On hearing that, I returned to Jalingo and arranged his release. Then, my father collected my cars and other belongings claiming that he bought them for me as wedding presents.

In trying to make me renounce my faith in Christ, the Management of the Nigeria Television Authority (NTA), Yola, had my appointment terminated, under pressure from my husband. My father and some Islamic fanatics took me to one Alhaji’s house in Jalingo and there chained my feet and my hands. After seven days, I was released, with a threat of death, if I went to Church again. 

My mother arranged for my uncle, her elder brother to reconcile my father and me. As we went talking, my father got angry, picked up his gun and shot at me. As God would have it, the little movement I made at the sight of a gun overturned the seat where I was sitting and I was pushed to the ground. The gun sounded but the bullets did not enter me but passed through the chair and to the wall. Everybody was alarmed, my mother started weeping that he had killed her only daughter.  Later, my mother advised me to go and stay with her elder brother. Being a moslem, he too was unhappy with me and made life difficult. Once, he threatened to kill me with a cutlass so I left his house for Lagos and later, Maiduguri. 

I was denied my rights in the family; my father had me thrown into prison on false allegation. He had initially gone to a Sharia court but I protested against that since I am now a Christian. So, he took me to a Magistrate court at Hadeja. The Magistrate ordered that I be remanded in prison for calling my father, my neighbour. I was in detention for six months without trial and bail until  some Christians on prison visitation, learnt that I was there for becoming a Christian. The matter was reported to the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Chairman who wrote a petition that led to my proper trial. The Magistrate sentenced me to two years imprisonment plus a fine of five thousand Naira. One Christian Women Fellowship in the area paid the fine while I was taken to prison. That was September 5, 2000.  Some inmates asked me to appeal but I told them, confidently, that the Lord Jesus would do a great Appeal for me. At midnight, I prayed: ‘Lord, I want you to deliver me from this prison before December. If you don’t, the people will ask me, where is your God?’ I reminded him of how He answered Hezekiah. On October 2, 2000, less than a month after my imprisonment, a letter came from Abuja ordering my release and I was set free. My prison experiences brought me closer to God that I developed more faith in God’s ability to see me through.

After two months, I decided to go and share the Lord Jesus with my grandparents. The moslem youths were looking for me everywhere, to kill me. They hid me until I couldn’t be hidden. I fled to the bush for four days. On the fourth night, I woke up with a snake beside me. That day, I told God that I wanted to go back to Islam. I couldn’t continue like that in the bush but He quickly reprimanded me. He asked "Upon all the sufferings you’ve been through, you still want to go back? If I didn’t shut the mouth of the snake, wouldn’t it bite you while you slept? I repented and told him that I was sorry; I will never go back to Egypt". 

I found out that God actually took me to prison to teach me some things. One was to read the Bible and, two, because of a female Christian warder who left and married a Moslem and God shut her womb. In the prison, God told me in a dream that she was going to have a baby. When I told her, she became angry, tortured me, called me names, but I kept praying for her, that the name of the Lord be glorified since I had said the Lord told me. Later, she actually had the baby, and that converted her and her husband. Eight molems in the prison gave their lives to Christ. They were baptized in the Holy Ghost before I left. Seeing what the Lord used me to do in the prison, I knew that I would do better outside. 

One day, some moslem youths came and kidnapped me. They laid me on the ground, raised their cutlasses to kill me but their hands remained hanging in the air. That happened to three of them and the others fled. They were later taken to the police who wanted them killed but I told them it was the Lord’s battle not theirs. I told them that I had forgiven them. As I was leaving, they asked for their hands to be restored. I said "In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, let your hands come down" and their cutlasses dropped. Today, they are Christians and live with me. On  another occasion, another group of moslem youths kidnapped me. They were taking me to Sokoto. On the way, scorpions emerged and started to sting them. They dropped me, begged me and even gave me money to take me back home. Yet on another occasion, they kidnapped me and wanted to inject me with poisonous material but they couldn’t find those materials and had to let me go.

The Bible says we must start from our Jerusalem. Moslems and Fulanis are my Jerusalem. Many of them live in ignorance, not having heard of Jesus till today. And if I am one of the fortunate ones that God brought out, I need to go out and say something to them. That is why I say I would fight the cause with my blood. I am not limiting myself to Nigeria; I intend to go to the Middle East, planting a church in Saudi Arabia where my children are. I tell God that my children in Saudi Arabia are Ambassadors of Christ and they must become Pastors in Saudi Arabia. 

So, any time I hear a moslem is converted somewhere and is persecuted, I take them in. I have forty-nine under my roof right now. They call me "mama". The oldest is eighty-nine years. She became a Christian and her children threw her from upstairs to die, but God preserved her. A Pastor found her and brought her to the centre. Some come with their ears cut off, others are stripped naked etc. I pray for people to join me in this crusade. Thank God. He is raising men among the coverts in the centre and in my family. 

My immediate elder brother who is a soldier has become a Christian. My mother became a Christian since 2002. My elder brothers who wanted me dead or back to Islam are now Christians. One of them, a Senior Lecturer at the University of Maiduguri had to relocate to Imo State because of persecution. 

I testify that Jesus is Lord. Some people came to attack us. The first time they came, they saw a pool of blood: the house became a pool of blood. The second time they came, the house became plain land. The third time, they saw ocean. The last time, the house became a pillar of fire. Sometime later, something happened that led to their arrest and the Commissioner of Police sent for me. On getting there, the police brought the criminals who said that I didn’t know  them but they knew me. They were all Moslems, some of them from Republic of Niger. They then narrated how they had to attack me, but I was delivered by the Lord. That day, the Commissioner of Police lined up his men in the office and asked me to pray for them.

Instead of leaving me alone, my former husband began to persecute me. While leading some assassins to my place to kill me, the vehicle in which they were travelling was involved in an accident. He, alone died in the hospital after confessing that he wanted me dead for I was bringing shame to his name. It pains me because both of us were in the same room the day I heard the voice. After that I prevented him from destroying a copy of the Bible, something I used to enjoy doing. He knew how violent I was, destroying Christendom. He should have learnt a lesson from my conversion and repented. That is how many others die without repentance even though they are exposed to the gospel. The good Lord who is always my Shield and Protector will always save and hide me in His shadow. My life is in God’s hand." THE END.

Binta Faruk Jalingo was a staff of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Yola. She runs Tabitha Evangelistic Ministry, a home for the persecuted (Converted Muslims) in Miango, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria.

Thursday 27 April 2017

New Music: Anny - I Worship You FT. Efe Nathan

Sensational Gospel music star and angelic sound creator, Anny is here with a fresh anointed single “I Worship You”.
Following the release of her 3rd studio album “Journey 2 Self” late last year, the Delta state born music minister and humanitarian, Anny has debut the Efe Nathan featured track 12 of the album “I Worship You” as her new single and its one with full acclamation for GOD and HIS mighty wonders. I Worship You is produced by @mayomusic for Anny Love Music.
Be blessed as you listen and download, you could equally purchase the JOURNEY 2 SELF album via the Minstrels

Song Title: iWorship You

Thursday 13 April 2017

God Told Me To Marry You (Part 2) By: Pastor Samm Adedewe

Missed the first part, Read here

What happens if you date an unbeliever and develop the desire and romantic passion to marry him or her, now what are you going to do? Your feelings are powerful and you are going to hurt yourself far worse than if you had never gotten involved. What happens if the unbeliever develops a desire to marry you? Now, you are going to hurt him or her. You say you care about that unbeliever, but do you? You have defrauded that unbeliever by allowing him or her to develop a desire to marry you when you know you can’t marry him or her. What will that unbeliever think about Christ and Christians after his painful experience with you?

You say, “but there are no Christians around who want to date me.” That may be the case, but that does not change what is God your Father’s plan for you. Trusting the Lord in these kinds of circumstances is what being a Christian is all about. Prov.3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. 

In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.”
God’s will is that Christians marry Christians who have godly characteristics.
Finding the right kind of wife or husband begins with his or her faith in Christ. However, being a Christian, does not guarantee he or she has the qualities necessary to make a successful marriage. Proverbs is very clear that men are to find women who have godly characteristics in their lives. Besides a prudent wife, which we have already seen, Prov.31: 10 says, “Find a wife of noble character.” Prov.12:4 says, “Find a wife of noble character, avoid a disgraceful wife.” Prov.19:13 says, “Avoid a quarrelsome wife.” Women, likewise are to find men with these godly characteristics.
The Scriptures also give other specific characteristics of the kind of people to avoid. This would certainly apply to marrying any of them. There are three kinds of people that Proverbs says to stay away from, the fool, the sluggard, and the one who does not control his tongue. A fool is one who acts foolishly. Prov.14:7 says, “Stay away from a foolish man, for you will not find knowledge on his lips.”

The characteristics of someone who is foolish are given in several places in Proverbs. Prov.12:15 says that a fool "does what seems right to him and does not listen to advice." Prov.14:16 says that he is "hotheaded and reckless." Prov.18:2 says he "delights in airing his own opinions" and Prov.20:3 says he is "quick to quarrel." Prov.28:26 sums up the basic problem in his life when it says that a foolish man "does not walk in wisdom." Prov.29:11 also says he "gives full vent to his anger, and has no self-control." We should avoid marrying people with these characteristics.

Proverbs also says to watch out for a man who is lazy (the sluggard). Prov.19:15 indicates that a sluggard is sleeping all the time and thus going hungry. Prov.26:15 shows that he is too lazy to put out the effort to feed himself. Prov.24: 30-34 says that laziness brings on poverty. Women especially are to avoid a lazy man who will not meet his financial responsibilities. It is sad to see a woman married to a man who is always talking about making the “big bucks.” Yet, he is one who is not willing to get a steady job. Beware of allowing yourself to be attracted to a man who cannot keep a job. It is a strong possibility that he won’t suddenly change after he gets married.

We should avoid those who lie (Prov.6:17). Lying destroys any foundation of trust in a relationship. You will never know whether he or she is telling the truth or not. Prov.28:23 warns about someone who has a "flattering tongue." This kind of a person praises you when he doesn’t really mean it. He just wants to get something from you. Prov.15:1 shows another kind of person to avoid, one who uses harsh words. Harsh words destroy the hearts and minds of others and make a lifetime relationship a lifetime of hurt.

Another characteristic to avoid is a one who lacks self-control. Prov.25:28 says, “Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.” A "city which has no walls" is a city which has no defense against harm. A person who lacks self-control has no defense against harm. Ruin and destruction will be his because he cannot keep his emotions and desires under control. He cannot or does not restrain his behavior. Self-control is an important quality for success in life and relationships. God has set forth limits of behavior; self-control keeps his actions within those limits.
These are just some of the guidelines that God gives each of us in selecting a wife or husband. No one can be perfect, but the lives of those mentioned above are characterized by these qualities so that they are known by them. That means those characteristics are regularly manifested in their lives. These are fatal flaws that destroy relationships, not build them.

If you find a wife or husband that has the kind of personal faults that destroy relationships, trying to build a lifetime relationship together will be like building a house on sinking sand. If you find a wife or husband that has the personal qualities that can develop and sustain a lifetime relationship in the Lord, you have followed what the Lord desires in finding a mate. Then, if you both desire to marry and to live together as husband and wife, then assume it is the Lord’s will unless the Lord clearly prevents it.

The Lord wants to bless you as you seek a godly mate. If it doesn’t work out, trust that the Lord will work all things out for your good (Rom.8:28).

Choose whomever you want to marry within God’s moral boundaries.
So, the Lord gives you the free choice to marry or not to marry. If you choose to marry, you may marry whomever you wish as long as he or she is the right kind of person and he or she desires to marry you. This gives you the joy of walking down the aisle to make a lifetime covenant with the one person you want to live with the rest of your life! Remember this, God has given marriage to be a free choice for you. When you walk down that aisle you should want to marry that person with all your heart. You should not be doing it because you think it is good for you or it is the right thing to do, you should want to be with that person the rest of your life!

You need to trust the Lord to bless you as you follow his guidelines. That blessing will come in two major forms. He will either bless your union together (this may include waiting for awhile) or he will turn you away from each other according to his sovereign will. The Bible says that if we delight in the Lord, he will give us the desires of our hearts (Ps.37:4,Ps.20:4,Ps.21:2).That is, if it is within his will (1Jn.5:14-15).

I believe these verses taken together mean that God as our Father wants us to be happy and if we find someone who is the "right kind" of person of the opposite sex for us, then the Lord will bless our union unless he has some specific reason for not doing so. What that reason is may not be revealed to us, but it will always be for our good (Rom.8:28).

What do I do if I can’t find anyone who wants to marry me?

Does that mean I have the gift of celibacy?
Wanting to get married is normal and natural. Remember Prov.18:22 says, “He who finds a wife finds what is good, and receives favor from the Lord." If you have a desire to get married, that is good. If you do not have a desire to marry and want to focus all your energy on the kingdom of God, that is good also. This is the gift of celibacy.

It is described by Jesus in Matt.19:12 “some have made themselves eunuchs (figurative expression for those who choose not to marry) for the kingdom of heaven’s sake.” Paul had it. He says in 1 Cor.7:7 as he encourages Christians to stay single, “For I wish that all men were even as I myself. But every man has his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that. I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I [single]. But if they cannot contain themselves [sexual desires], let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn [with passion]. This means that if you want to get married, you don’t have the gift of celibacy. If you want to get married, it is a good thing.

If I want to find a mate, then why can’t I find one?
There are many possible reasons too numerous to discuss here. I suggest you speak with a pastor or other mature Christian who knows you to help you assess your particular situation. Ultimately, though, God is sovereign and you need to trust him with your present circumstances. Following Prov.3:5-6 is so important. You should not suppress the desire to marry nor pretend it doesn’t exist. It is a natural desire, but you need to pray about it and leave your welfare in the Lord’s hands.

In Summary…

• He / She must be born again and not a religious person. 1 Cor. 7: 39
• He / She must be a true worshipper and not a church goer.
• He must believe and practice the word of God.
• He must be matured physically – at least 20 yrs above
• He must be diligent and she must be virtuous.
• He / She must be God – fearing.
• He / She must be from your church or likely church.
• He / She must be from your tribe or likely tribe.
• Get inspired about the person – love is not a falling, don’t fall; love is a passion, get inspired.
• Get parental approval.


If you have never invited Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour but would like to confess all the past sins you can remember and ask God for remission and just pray from your heart a simple prayer like this:
Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus just as I am. I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I confess that I have sinned against you and others.

Your word says, “…whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” - Acts2: 21.
I ask Jesus to come into my heart to be the Lord of my life. 
I believe in my heart without a doubt that he died for me and God raised Him from the dead.
I receive eternal life into my spirit. I declare that I am saved, I am born again, I am a child of God.
I now have Christ dwelling in me; I receive the Holy Spirit as a seal for my redemption and from now onward I walk in the consciousness of my new life in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

Now that you are born again, you have a new life in Christ and you are now a child of God. The Old previous moral and Spiritual condition of your life has passed way. Behold the fresh and new has come! I see you radiating God’s light.
If you have made that decision before now, I cherished you and I encourage you to walk the talk, living the higher life every day.
Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God – Romans 12: 2TEV
If you just prayed this prayer, please call or text 07063093944, so that we can help you begin your new life in Jesus.
I see you radiating God's light!

SAMM OLUWANIISOLA ADEDEWE Is the Pastor of FAITH OASIS – the SUPERNATURAL PEOPLE! He can be reached on 07063093944 or email: 

Wednesday 12 April 2017

God Told Me To Marry You (Part 1)~ By: Pastor Samm Adedewe

A lady whom I previously decided not to date told me recently that she feels I am the one God wants her to marry. I am a bit confused and bothered because I do not share this "revelation" at all. I like her courage and boldness, which I do not condemn since everyone is a “PATHFINDER” (Proverbs 18: 22).

Anyone can start the approach without any perambulation (that sounds awkward), may be because of your culture; but if you reasoned it out, you won’t blame Ruth and Boaz. Her immaturity was exactly the reason why I decided not to start a relationship with her and more so she definitely does not fit the "type" I have had in mind, but I would like to follow God's will. How do I know if this is God's will?

 How should I pray?
I think it would be freaky to have a guy or a lady you're not attracted to suddenly drop that "revelation" on you. Your own experience might seems different but this isn't a unique phenomenon. I've heard several similar stories over the years, from both women and men. One reader told me how she heard from God that He was preparing her to be a certain man's wife but the revelation never come true because the man never pursued her as a girlfriend.

I think the principle for both men and women should not be based on revelations, dreams, visions and pastors assurance but on personal convictions.

Marriage is too important to make the decision based only on the testimony of another without sharing that same conviction. Even David, God's anointed, asked the wise and beautiful Abigail to be his wife. (If anyone was privy to direct revelations from God, it was surely God's anointed.) She agreed with dignity and humility, replying, "Here is your maidservant, ready to serve you and wash the feet of my master's servants."

How Do I Know God's Will for a Marriage Partner?

This will of God syndrome is what I’m talking about TODAY!
Christians have a variety of views regarding selecting a husband or wife according to the will of God. Many Christians fear that they might go out of the will of God or miss out “on God’s best.”
Many believe that there is only one person whom the Lord has selected for each Christian and it is up to each Christian to find that person. This person is the “right one” according to the will of God. Finding the “right one” is the key to finding God’s will and marital happiness over a lifetime. Many believe that If a Christian should marry someone else by accident or by desire, then he or she will not be in God’s will. They can still be happy, but will not have God’s best. However, those who marry the wrong person also risk the possibility of divorce. Christians often feel that couples get divorced because they have married the wrong person. Are all these beliefs true? Are these principles what the Bible teaches? The answer is no. They are not true and the Bible nowhere teaches these views.
"Is he or she the right one?" is the wrong question to ask.

The right question, which the Scriptures teaches is this one, “Is he or she the right kind of person to marry?" Prov.18:22 says, “He who finds a wife finds what is good, and receives favor from the Lord." In other words, it is good for a man to find a woman and get married. The converse is true as well. It is good for a woman to find a man and be married as well. This means that getting married is beneficial and a blessing for humans.

However, it is not just marrying any woman or man, but the right kind of woman or man. Prov.19:14 says, "A prudent wife is from the Lord." That is, if you want a wife that is from the Lord (i.e. the Lord’s will), find a prudent one (one with discernment and self-control). This would apply to the husband as well. This is just one attribute of a wife or husband that will be a blessing from the Lord. This verse gives the focus God has revealed in the Scriptures.

The Bible focuses on finding the right kind of wife or husband. Finding the right kind of wife or husband is God’s will for you. This is how you will receive God’s blessing. The Scriptures do not teach that believers need to find a specific person the Lord has chosen, but rather the Bible says that we are to focus on choosing the right kind of person and avoiding the wrong kind of person.
Although Abraham and Isaac sought wives for their sons as the Lord had directed them, their experiences are not the norm. They were very significant in terms of the covenant God made with Abraham and were major figures in the line of messiah. We are not. The normal Biblical approach in these non-moral areas is to choose whomever you desire to marry as long as you choose the right kind of person according to God's priorities. You must also commit yourself to follow God's standards for marriage.”

God’s will is that Christians marry Christians.

The first priority is that he or she is a Christian. 2 Cor.6:14-16 says, “Do not be bound together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?” This is a clear instruction from the apostle Paul that Christians are not to be bound together (in a marital/physical relationship) with non-Christians. Christians have been declared righteous in Christ and have been brought into the light of the truth. They should not have intimate fellowship with those that have not been declared righteous and are still in spiritual darkness.

This does not mean that Christians can’t have non-Christians as friends, but friendship is not a bond for life as marriage is. It means God wants Christians to marry other Christians. He wants his children marrying other ones who are his children. As a Christian husband or wife, your life is centered in Christ; an unbeliever’s is not. Your beliefs and values are established upon the Word of God, an unbeliever’s is not. You need continual encouragement to trust and obey the Lord. How can an unbeliever give you that? How will you encourage him or her daily if he or she does not trust the Lord?

This is an important commitment that you must make as a Christian to see God’s blessing in your life in this area. This is a boundary that you must draw when it comes to whom you allow yourself to “fall for” or even date. Is it possible to have romantic feelings for someone who is not a Christian? Yes, it is. Attraction is part of being human. However, it is not an indication of God’s will. God’s will is clearly stated above.
The world says that if you feel it, it must be legitimate. This is not true! If you feel it and it is within God’s will, it is legitimate. Marrying a non-Christian is never the Lord’s will.
Dating unbelievers is emotionally dangerous! If you are going to be wise in following this, you also need to realize that it is emotionally dangerous to even date an unbeliever. You can think at the beginning that you can stop yourself short of marrying an unbeliever. I have heard Christians say, “I am only dating an unbeliever, I won’t marry him/her.” The Christian who does this is playing with emotional fire.

To be continued....

Thursday 30 March 2017

Unleashing The Supernatural Fold Of The Communion | By: Pastor Samm Adedewe

Quite a number of Christians today, partake of the Communion without a good understanding of what they are doing. To many, it has become a religion, tradition or routine to share of the Lord’s Table, though they partake regularly.
On the other hand, some do not see any need for the communion, so they just conduct it somehow and once in a ‘blue moon.’ There are others who do not even partake it at all. The illumination meal is a New Testament mystery designed by God to seal our covenant rights.

This is the understanding!

First, the communion is not a symbol but a medium. Do not mistake it be just an ordinary bread and wine. When the meal is set before you and blessed; it becomes the actual flesh and blood of Jesus Christ himself indeed. The communion meal is not an object or image nor an emblem that refers to something; it is a substance in which something is being transmitted.

Second, the orderliness and proper and coordination of the communion with application, communication and commemoration.
26 ¶ And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, "Take, eat; this is My body."
27 Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you.
28 "For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
Matthew 26: 26 – 28

a. The bread first, the emphasis on what it represents and the efficacy of what the transformation that it brings.

…this is my body…

This is a figure of speech which is called metonymy: that is to say, the giving of one name for another: so he calls the bread his body and yet nonetheless, it is a figurative and changed kind of speech meaning that the faithful do indeed receive Christ with all his gifts (though by a Spiritual means) and become one with Him.

b. Then the wine, emphasis on what it represents and the efficacy of what it is meant for.
27 Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you.
28 "For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
Matthew 26: 27 – 28

The blood is the life of Jesus shed for many for the remission of sins. The blood is efficacious for the pardon of sin.

Third, discerning the Lord’s body; distinguishing between it and a common meal and properly considering it as a sacrifice for sin.
It is not the power of words in the prayer we offer on the meal that transmit the real into it. The bread and wine changed, not in nature but in quality, for without doubt they become tokens of the body and blood of Christ, not of their own nature or force of words but Christ’s institution; which must be recited and laid forth, that faith may find what to lay hold on, both in the word and in the elements. Don’t take it because you are mouth washed or hungry. Remember, the Holy Communion is NOT a love feast.


26 ¶ And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, "Take, eat; this is My body."
27 Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you.
28 "For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
Matthew 26: 26 – 28

Communion is one of the mysteries of God designed to actualize the flow of eternal life in your system. Food is required for physical growth; in the same vein, the communion is required for healthy living spiritually. Each time you partake of the communion, a spiritual blood transfusion takes place.

a. BREAD – any available bread. It doesn’t have to be any special kind of bread. It could be cake, biscuit, snacks or anything baked or fried of flour.
b. WINE – any available fruit of the vine. It doesn’t have to be any special kind of drink. It could be juice, wine, etc

The Misunderstanding!

27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.
28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.
29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. {damnation: or, judgment}
30 For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.
1Corinthians 11: 27 – 30

Some religious people have taken hold of the words “unworthily” to make the communion service look like an occult thing and they keep on discriminating against who can take it or not take it.

Many times, I’ve been in a communion service and some people refused to partake it because of their misconception of the above scriptures. They claimed they didn’t want to be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord, because they considered themselves unqualified or unworthy to receive the Holy Communion.

I have seen where people go out of the communion service without partaking, children and youth at a certain age not permitted. I’ve heard where only the adults take it and the pastors decide and announce those who partake of the communion.

I’ve also heard of an assembly where they pass round the communion and no one dare takes it except those who will sit with Jesus at the white throne; their thought was that it is only meant for the Apostle. You need to understand the context within which Apostle Paul made that statement:

a. There was usually fighting whenever it was communion time because some people would have finished all the bread and the wine without minding if others got or not. Paul had to tell them to eat at home before coming because the communion was not meant to be taken as a dinner.

33 Wherefore, my brethren, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another.

34 And if any man hunger, let him eat at home; that ye come not together unto condemnation. And the rest will I set in order when I come. {condemnation: or, judgment}

The Supper of the Lord is a common action of the whole church and therefore there is no place for private supper. The supper of the Lord was instituted not to feed the belly but to feed the soul with the communion of Christ and therefore it ought to be separated from common banquets or social parties.

b. They took the communion to be an ordinary meal. Paul warns them not to come to the house of God to eat an ordinary meal, let him eat at home – to take that in his own house which is necessary for the support of his body before he comes to the sacred repast, where he should have the feeding of his soul alone in view.

c. The Corinthians took the communion to be the subject of dispute, party spirit and division.

d. The rich people in the Corinthians church claims purity and precedence over the poor. Paul told them to tarry for one another, that the table was instituted and common for the rich and the poor.

e. Paul is correcting their indecency and disorderliness to the honour of Christ and for their own spiritual good.

Let’s get the scripture straight
17 ¶ Now in this that I declare unto you I praise you not, that ye come together not for the better, but for the worse.

18 For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it. {divisions: or, schisms}

19 For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you. {heresies: or, sects}

20 When ye come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord's supper. {this...: or, ye cannot eat}

21 For in eating every one taketh before other his own supper: and one is hungry, and another is drunken.

22 What? have ye not houses to eat and to drink in? or despise ye the church of God, and shame them that have not? What shall I say to you? shall I praise you in this? I praise you not. {have not: or, are poor?}

23 ¶ For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread:

24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. {in...: or, for a remembrance}

25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.

26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come. {ye do...: or, shew ye}

27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.

28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.

29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. {damnation: or, judgment}

30 For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.

31 For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.

32 But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.

33 Wherefore, my brethren, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another.

34 And if any man hunger, let him eat at home; that ye come not together unto condemnation. And the rest will I set in order when I come. {condemnation: or, judgment}
1Corinthians 11: 17 - 34

At this junction, I am going to explain the meaning and application of what Paul is saying and implication of the above scriptures; the word of God is not confusing, should not be misunderstood and wrongly administered in its application – lets get to the root of the truth

1. The communion service is for the better. 1Corinthians 11: 17; John 6: 53 – 54. It’s a matter of greatest importance that must not be neglected or perverted. It should promise edification, piety, spirituality and harmony.

2. The Holy Communion Service is not the same as the Passover of the Jews and should not be celebrated as one. John 6: 3 – 4; Lev.23: 5 & 7; Deut. 16: 1; John 2: 13 & John 5: 1.

3. The Holy Communion is not either an ordinary supper or the paschal lamb as some think, as some think and should not be observed as one. It is the Lord’s Supper. Matthew 26: 26 – 28. Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper as they were eating the paschal supper, near the close of the meal (Luke 22: 15 – 20). It is called the Lord’s Supper because it is the night Jesus gave himself to be crucified (1Cor.11:23). Jesus instituted it while observing religious rites of his country; he instituted it for their use and for the edification of all Christians, the supper which is called by his name – The Lord’s Supper.

4. We should be careful that nothing at the communion service appears to make light of the sacred institution.

5. The Lord’s Supper is not an occasion for gluttony or reveling.

6. There must be orderliness in the serving. It is not only based on the consent of doctrine but also of affections. Bishop Oyedepo said, “The communion is not the doctrine of any church, it is the wisdom of God contained in scriptures which guarantees a great future.”

7. The communion can be observed as a private or public worship.

8. It is called “The Lord’s” because it his appointment and is in honour of him. It is called “Supper”, because the word denotes the evening repast. So, it was instituted in the evening and it does not mean it cannot be observed at any time of the day. Some people call it the Holy Communion according to Paul; others call it The Lord’s Table or Passover; I call it the communion of real life. Whatever name you give to it based on understanding; so it is! No particular name was given by our Lord Jesus Christ but people call it different names based on understanding. What matter are what it represents, the communication and commemoration.

9. The Holy Communion should not be observed as love feast, common feast or festival. No one should come to the table and satisfy the hunger and drink for a thirst.
You don’t need to drink a big cup of wine or whole big bread so that you can be satisfied. The communion is not to satiate the appetite (1Cor.11: 22).

10. The sacramental elements are bread and wine and nothing else. Please do not use water in the replacement of the wine; it must be a fruit of the vine because Jesus is the Vine. The bread must be anything baked or fried with flour and not anything cooked, not yam or meat, etc; simply because Jesus is the bread of Life. It is not manna.

11. The Holy Communion should be taken often: do it remembrance of me (1Cor. 11: 24 & 25). The purpose is to bring the sacrifice of Christ and all its blessed results vividly to our mind.

12. It’s a celebration of the Lord’s death and not a funeral (1Cor.11: 26). It should be celebrated on any occasion of affliction, trial or deep interest; when there is need for it and when it would edifies the church.

7 ¶ Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.
1 Corinthians 5: 7NKJV


53 Then Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.

54 "Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.
John 6: 53 & 54

3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue,
4 by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
2 Peter 1: 3 & 4

The communion is instituted by Jesus Christ himself connects you to the real source of life. You are being empowered to manifest the lifestyle of Jesus; Eternal life is God Kind life.
The Seven Supernatural Fold
12 saying: "Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom, Thanksgiving and honor and power and might, Be to our God forever and ever. Amen."
Revelation 7: 12

It takes an understanding of the relevance of the communion to access the seven supernatural fold of the communion.
Number 1 – FOR A LIFE OF BLESSING – Matt.26: 26; 1 Cor.10:16.
Number 2 – FOR A LIFE OF GLORY – John 6: 54; Isaiah 60: 1 & 2.
Number 3 – FOR A LIFE OF WISDOM – Luke 24: 30 & 31.
Number 4 – FOR A LIFE OF GRATITUDE – Acts 2: 46
Number 5 – FOR A LIFE OF HONOUR – 1 Corinthians 11: 17
Number 6 – FOR A LIFE OF POWER – John 6: 56; 1 Cor. 6: 17
Number 7 – FOR A LIFE OF MIGHT (STRENGTH)   - 1 Kings 19: 5 & 6; John 6: 35 & 48.

Pray with me
1. Psalm 138: 8 
• Father, Perfect all that concerns me this year in the name of Jesus.
2. Phil. 1: 6
• Father, complete every good work you have started in me this year in the name of Jesus.
3. Hebrews 13: 21
• Father, make me complete in every good work this year in Jesus name.