Wednesday 26 February 2014

The Effects of Real Faith

Luke 19:1-10

Zacchaeus probably became rich by cheating people, something tax collectors were known for in those days. But Zacchaeus met Jesus and he became a new man. He had faith in Jesus power and love.

Zacchaeus promised to pay back even- more than he had taken- those he had cheated. But the crowd didn't like this. They needed new hearts too, but they didn't realize it.

Real faith is not a matter of simply believing in and loving Jesus. It involves turning from old ways that go against God's commands and starting a new life. Real faith acts to make things right again.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

From a Dream to a Nightmare

1kings. 9:1-9

This is the second time God appeared to Solomon in a dream. The first encounter took place when Solomon first became king. When God visited Solomon the second time, the King was the richest and wisest man in the world. The template had been built and the land was at peace.

In this dream, there was both a promise and a warning God assured Solomon that his prayer would be answered- God's presence would remain in his temple. But there is also a warning here. God told Solomon that if he or his sons worshipped foreign gods, the Lord would rip the kingdom out of their hands and take away the many blessings he had given them.

This promise and warning to Solomon applies to us, as well. God wants to be with us, but if we chase after false gods, such as money and material possessions, we will ultimately suffer great losses.

Music: Tim Godfrey&Xtreme - Good Morning

There's really no stopping for leading
Nigerian songster, Tim Godfrey and his Xtreme singers. Having received a robust reception and review of his
spanking single "Agidigba" and debut album "Sound Check", the Tim Godfrey led group is back, bigger, better and ready to rule your world this year 2014.

This blazing hot single, titled Good Morning is a fantastic music from the
AGMA UK and 2012 NEA award winner. Keep your fingers crossed for an amazing collection of singles, videos and albums like you've never seen before.


Sunday 23 February 2014

Word of the Week

It's a brand new week. Another opportunity to be blessed by God and from all and unexpected quarters. Have you lost something? Is your hope dimming? Have you constantly asked or still asking when God will do it? Relax, God's ever on the throne. His eyes see to and fro the earth. He says He will restore; remember He will honour His word more than His name.

Our word of the week is Restoration- Joel 2:25-26.

" And I will restore to you the years that the locusts hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.
And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the Name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed."

This is the Word of the LORD to you, this week, You'll know no shame. Instead of shame you shall have double honour and unexpected miracles will come your way. Have a wonderful week.

Relax, He will RESTORE

Friday 21 February 2014

Idle Hands and Idol Hearts

Hosea 4: 15-19

The Lord compares his people to stubborn cows unwilling to be fed. They had refused his help and had turned to the ways of the world. Someone who is stubborn is usually unmovable, stiff with pride and very defensive. Have you begin to develop this symptoms in your relationship with God? Are you indifferent, refusing to get involved or be associated with the things of God?

Have the idols of this world wormed their way into the prominent place of your heart, pushing God aside? Let's not allow our idle hands to lead us to develop and idle hear. Instead, pursue the living God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength to guard from the disaster of destroying your relationship with God.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Unfinished business

He was a brilliant musician and had written six symphonies by age 21, but Franz Schubert is most famous for his Symphony No. 8 in B Minor or the "Unfinished. Symphony. His life cut short at the age of 31, he never had the opportunity to complete this masterpiece. The world calls it a tragedy. But what is God's view?

In Psalm 102:23-27. The Psalmist cries to God to extend his life. He is afraid of a premature end, perhaps because he feels there is so much unfinished business. We echo this fear with our frantic busyness, trying to cram as much as possible into the day.

Take a moment right now to contemplate the eternity and sureness of God (vs 27). Think about how the eternal Almighty God cares for you and wants to call you one of his own.

Culled from The Holy Bible
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Saturday 15 February 2014

Music: Psalm Ebube- Gb'Ope Mi

After impressive singles like Kabio osi and Ebube, wave-making Gospel artiste, Psalm Ebube, has release another classic single titled "Gb'Ope Mi" from His Greatness Album.

Download link: download/9tl9xlo3ik

Monday 10 February 2014

You are all invited to the 'Ikeja Miracle Service'

Nothing is quite so powerful as prayer as we take time to seek not only the "hand" of God, but also as we seek the "face" of God. I want to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to you and your friends/family or loved ones to a power-packed programme coming up this week. Tagged, Ikeja Miracle Service with Prophet J.K Hephzibah.

God bless you as you come!!!

Church: Christ Anointed Church (Peculiar Int'l Ministry)

Venue: Sweet Sensation, Opebi Roundabout, Ikeja, Lagos.

Time: 5:00pm-8:00pm.

Date: Feb 14, 2014.

Jesus Remains Lord