Tuesday 25 February 2014

From a Dream to a Nightmare

1kings. 9:1-9

This is the second time God appeared to Solomon in a dream. The first encounter took place when Solomon first became king. When God visited Solomon the second time, the King was the richest and wisest man in the world. The template had been built and the land was at peace.

In this dream, there was both a promise and a warning God assured Solomon that his prayer would be answered- God's presence would remain in his temple. But there is also a warning here. God told Solomon that if he or his sons worshipped foreign gods, the Lord would rip the kingdom out of their hands and take away the many blessings he had given them.

This promise and warning to Solomon applies to us, as well. God wants to be with us, but if we chase after false gods, such as money and material possessions, we will ultimately suffer great losses.

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