Tuesday 14 October 2014

Wasted Worrying

Luke 12: 22-31

What will I do if I don't regain my health? What is going to happen if I can't find a job? How will I pay my bills? How will I eat? We all have a number of concerns when it comes to making it through life. And these concerns are usually valid. We all go through tough times when it seems like there is no way out. The question is, "How do you handle the tough times?"

Some of us worry until we are physically ill. We may even worry so much that we are unable to do anything but worry. But worrying does not solve anything. Jesus uses examples from nature to demonstrate how God provides for all living creatures. Animals don't worry. They get busy and find food.

The first step we should take when faced with a difficult situation is to turn to God. Trust him with our needs. Next we need to look for constructive ways to solve our problems. The answer may not come immediately but we can keep moving forward, keeping our eyes open for the surprising ways God provides solutions.

Worrying is a waste of energy.

Culled from The Holy Bible
Photocredit: Google

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