A man was strolling down a street and saw a barber's shop with the sign 'cut your hair for free. The shop was large and had sophisticated equipment, he went in and asked, "how long are you going to cut for free?" The barber replied, "As long as I remain a barber." He had a cut, saw himself in a mirror and marvelled, he asked the barber.
"You are cutting people's hair for free, there are millions of people out there looking unkempt; with bushy hair and moustache, young, old who cannot afford to pay for a cut, why aren't people coming?" The barber smiled and said, "I have called unto them but they won't come. See most of them scratching their heads miserably and lamenting about their shaggy look, whereas, it won't cost them anything to come down here". Matt 11:28-30.
That's exactly the scenario between Jesus and the world. Why go about lamenting your plight when everything can be settled by Jesus Christ and Yes for FREE. The end time is near, Christ is coming soon, the best gift you can give anyone (particularly unbelievers) on planet earth, is to lead them to Christ. Without salvation, no one will inherit the kingdom of heaven.
Millions of souls are perishing everyday, tell someone about Jesus Christ, there's no way you can see God except through His only son Jesus Christ. That's where most people are missing it. You can't deal directly with God without passing through His son, it's more or less like wanting to enter a fenced building without making use of the gate.
John 14:16 says, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me". It is as concise as that. The peace, joy etc in Christ is better than anyone you can get anywhere. Jesus turns nobody away. He sees your heart, He knows your needs, just surrender, please give all to Him. Creation cost him nothing but your salvation? Everything.
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