Thursday 27 March 2014

Hopeless Weaving

Isaiah 59:5-6

Watch a spider spin its web. The intricate detail and the deliberate nature of its craft are a wonder of nature. When it is finished, the web can withstand wind and rain while still holding its shape and function. Yet, we know how flimsy it really is. One swipe of a broom and it is gone.

Isaiah paints this picture as a symbol of our feeble attempts at creating a kingdom like God's. We work hard to build a web of conveniences that look substantial but in the end, it is useless.

One disaster can show that our material lives are cobwebs. Instead, let's learn to seek to clothe ourselves with Christ- fine fabric, well tailored for life today and forever.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Skin Deep Repentance

Hosea 5:15-6.6

In this disturbing passage, God calls his people to express sorrow for their sins. They do so and then expect his help in their lives. But instead of helping them, God accuses them of having fair-weather faith and warns of trouble ahead.

Those who turn to God only in times of personal difficulty show a lack of understanding in their faith. God will be there to share our tough times, but he also wants us to remember him during the good times. He wants a faithful people, not people with a faith of convenience.

Are you a "fair-weather" believer? God gives his all to us and He expects the same in return.

Culled from The Holy Bible
Follow @Christ_envoy

Monday 24 March 2014

Jesus the Light

John 8:12-47

John now turns his discussion of Jesus as water and food to Jesus as light. Jesus called himself the light of the world because it was obvious to him that those who wouldn't listen to him were stumbling around in spiritual darkness. He said his light would lead to life because everyone who turns away from the light of Jesus wanders deeper into the darkness away from God and into death.

Knowing that Jesus is our guiding light is an idea that makes people who want to be near God glad. People who don't want anything to do with God get angry with Jesus for saying they will die. Following the eternal light of Jesus will assure us of eternal life with our saviour.

Friday 21 March 2014

Music: Bola Thani- Pentecost Praise

Anointed Gospel singer, Bola Thani also known as Bethany is here with the visual of her award nominee single Pentecost Praise. Bethany, a 1995 graduate of Mass Communication and PGD holder in Public Relations is an Asst. Pastor in the RCCG and also the Provincial Choir coordinator, LP38. 

The dynamic singer Bola Thani who is in her early 40s has three albums to her credit including 'His Majesty' in 2006, Jesus Na Bam Bam in 2009 and her latest effort - Pentecost Praise in 2013. She has ministered on several platforms across the world with major appearances in Dublin, USA, and several cities in the UK. Meanwhile, having earned a nomination in this year's Crystal Awards, Bethany is out with a crisp video for her scintillating single Pentecost Praise.

Download the audio and watch the video. enjoy.



Thursday 20 March 2014

Tomi Favored releases two inspiring new singles

Adetomi Akinbode Alesh, also known as Tomi Favored, is a Nigeria-born, established gospel music minister, songwriter and producer. The US-based singer who created her genre of music called Ecclectic Christian Music studied nursing at California State University, San Bernardino. She's just released her Double Singles "Ina Njo" and "A Voice".  

Her portfolio of work include; back-up vocals with "The Voices" on the movie Sparkle with Whitney Houston, for Christopher Cross under the  production of former Madonna producer Stephen Bray, written songs for artists like Benny Oke on his album "A heart for the nations", done a full album with pastor Bola Arowolo, sung backup for artists in concert, performed alongside Nikki Potts, Jonathan McReynolds at Missio Dei's Youth concert in Chicago, performed her music live on radio shows in Los Angeles for Tina Michelle and Pres Blackmon, written and performed songs in studio with producers Dapo Torimiro and Fortune Otega among others, and has attended Living Praise Christian Center in Chatsworth, California since 2009 under the tutelage of Ministers TC Bereal, Patricia Deruso of "The Silvers", and can be seen ministering nearly every Sunday she is not travelling to minster in other churches via LPCC's live stream. 



Beware of Luxury

Amos 6: 1-7

Material wealth and a comfortable lifestyle gave Isreal the illusion of security. To the east, north and west great cities had been destroyed (Vs 2), yet the people of Isreal continued to live as if nothing were wrong.

In the midst of our cozy homes, sitting in a favourite chair, we too can forget the command from God to seek justice, love, mercy and walk humbly before Him. (Micah 6:8). Let's not be blinded by our lifestyle while the world around us is dying.

Culled from The Holy Bible

Pls ff @Christ_envoy

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Life Out of Death

Genesis 22: 6-12

God was testing Abraham to see if he still loved God. Maybe now that Abraham had his promised son, he would love the gift more than the one who gave the gift to him. After everything Abraham had been through, he knew that he had to obey God. Abraham knew that God gives his best to those who are willing to give him their best.

Just as Abraham was about to plunge the knife into Isaac, the angel of the Lord stopped him. Abraham had shown God that his faith was still in God. Everything that Abraham had belonged to God.... even Isaac.

Consider the person in your life who is your most treasured gift. Maybe it is a child like Isaac, or a dear friend, a family member or a spouse. How would you feel if God asked you to give up this gift? Have you thanked God for giving you this gift?

Culled from The Holy Bible

Follow @Christ_Envoy

Monday 17 March 2014

HICC presents, 'Myles Munroe Uncensored'

Renowned Author & International Leader, Dr Myles Munroe will be storming Nigerian for another unusual, no-holds-barred, mind-blowing and life-changing programme. Courtesy of the Harvesters International Christian Centre (HICC), the programme has been tagged, Myles

Venue: Harvesters International Christian Centre (HICC), Plot 5-7, Gbagada Expressway, Gbagada, Lagos.

Date: Sunday 23 March 2014.

Time: 7.00, 8.45, 10.15 &

It's the Right Thing To Do

1kings 12:25-33

Jeroboam soon realized that if his followers kept looking to Jerusalem as their center of religious life, it would be too easy for them to be persuaded to follow Jerusalem's king instead of him. In a speech that sounded right, he told the people that they did not have to travel all the way to Jerusalem to worship God. That was too hard to do; they could worship at the towns of Bethel or Dan.

Jeroboam started new festivals, similar to the ones that God's people were expected to attend three times each year in Jerusalem. He even set up some gold calves to help the people worship. But Jeroboam's actions were wrong. They were the first of many steps that would lead the people of Isreal to destruction.

Because something sounds right, looks right and is even said to be right by someone in authority, that still does not make it right. If something goes against God's Word, it is wrong.

Friday 14 March 2014

Music: Tim Godfrey- Amen

Few days after he announced his invasion with a great song titled Good Morning, the mysterious singer Tim Godfrey is back with the very first single of his sophomore double album Press Play and Switch. The multiple award winning singer, Tim Godfrey will be hitting his fans with two massive albums in the second quarter of this year 2014 and off the project from the stable of ROX (Republic of Xtreme) comes this sizzling banger titled AMEN.

Amen is a touching, dancable song that preaches greatness into our life even as we sail through the year. The song is produced by the young and talented producer SMJ, a discovery of Tim Godfrey and also the in house producer for ROX (Republic of Xtreme). Amen is the leading single for the Press Play album. 

Download Link:

A Divine Examination

Psalm 139:23,24

When we look into our hearts, we often find many conflicting emotions and motivations. We want to have God's presence woven into the fabric of our lives but we are still full of selfishness. It is one thing to take a close look at ourselves but it is another to surrender to God's investigation.

Can you stand strong under the severity of the Lord's gaze? We must pray that God will deliver us from that which is unholy and unworthy, as a threshing machine separates the corn from the chaff. Our own way of life is marked by emptiness. May God, with his infinite wisdom, show us the true path of righteousness.

Culled from The Holy Bible

Thursday 13 March 2014

Food For Starving Spirits

Nehemiah 8: 1-12

When Ezra and the Levites read and explained God's Law, it was like a free banquet for starving people. Most of these people had been born and raised as captives in a foreign land and many of then may never have heard the Word of God read and explained.

It is not surprising that their first response to hearing the truths of God was to weep. For the first time, perhaps, they recognized the sins of their fathers, as well as their own. But Ezra and Nehemiah let the people know that this was a day of celebration. God had given them a new start. Their sadness was turned to gladness because the Lord would be their happiness and strength.

When we allow God's Word to speak to our hearts often our first response is to be aware of our sins. When we realize that God has forgiven us of our sins, we can experience true freedom and joy.

Wednesday 12 March 2014


The search for the very first Gospel voice in the capital city of ABUJA is on. For every aspiring gospel artist looking for a platform, PEREZ AGO music house is offering you a lifetime opportunity to take part in the city's first Gospel competition for a soloist and choir.

Tagged The Gospel Voice. Prizes are a brand new car and a 2 Million Naira record deal for the best solo artist, while the best choir wins a brand new set of musical instruments for its church.  

Audition comes up on Friday 14th – 16th of March, 2014 at the National Universities Commission NUC Maitama - Abuja. Audition starts at 9am daily and it's FREE!!

However, the duo of Paul Play Dairo and Solomon Lange have been unveiled as judges for the competition's grand finale. The grand finale holds on the 22nd of March, 2014 at This Day Dome Abuja, Red carpet starts at 4 pm. Guest artists include Frank Edwards, Dr Panam Percy Paul and host of others. 

The Gospel Voice Abuja is endorsed by Pentecostal fellowship of Nigeria, Powered by Spirit and life bible church and Managed by 'I AM'. The Gospel Voice...A better you, a better me! or follow @thegospelvoice1

Who is to Blame?

Isaiah 50: 1-5

Blame-shifting seems to have become a national sport. When we do something wrong, we often blame circumstances, heredity, other people, the church, fate or even God. The people of Isreal had the same trouble. Instead of recognizing their Babylonian captivity as God's punishment, the blamed it on him!

Not only did the people fail to listen to God's voice they ignored him completely (v.2). Don't get caught in the blame game. Take responsibility for your actions. Ask God for forgiveness. Then. You will be able to hear his voice and follow his ways.

Culled from The Holy Bible
Follow @Christ_envoy

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Thursday 6 March 2014

The Best Laid Plans

Isaiah 28:20

Did you ever go to camp and try to sleep in a bunk with bedding that was made for someone half your size? Isaiah used this picture to represent our best-laid plans. Our plans never reach far enough; they are insufficient. We pay close attention to our selfish interests and forget about the will of God.

In addition, our schemes are often insecure. We try to plan for ever possible problem, but inevitably fail to cover all of the angles. Jesus told a parable about a house built on sand that looked so grand when the sun was shining. But after the first heavy storm it was washed away. Let's learn to wrap our plans in the secure arms of the Almighty God who is able to completely cover us with his protection and security.

Culled from The Holy Bible