Wednesday 19 March 2014

Life Out of Death

Genesis 22: 6-12

God was testing Abraham to see if he still loved God. Maybe now that Abraham had his promised son, he would love the gift more than the one who gave the gift to him. After everything Abraham had been through, he knew that he had to obey God. Abraham knew that God gives his best to those who are willing to give him their best.

Just as Abraham was about to plunge the knife into Isaac, the angel of the Lord stopped him. Abraham had shown God that his faith was still in God. Everything that Abraham had belonged to God.... even Isaac.

Consider the person in your life who is your most treasured gift. Maybe it is a child like Isaac, or a dear friend, a family member or a spouse. How would you feel if God asked you to give up this gift? Have you thanked God for giving you this gift?

Culled from The Holy Bible

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