Thursday 13 March 2014

Food For Starving Spirits

Nehemiah 8: 1-12

When Ezra and the Levites read and explained God's Law, it was like a free banquet for starving people. Most of these people had been born and raised as captives in a foreign land and many of then may never have heard the Word of God read and explained.

It is not surprising that their first response to hearing the truths of God was to weep. For the first time, perhaps, they recognized the sins of their fathers, as well as their own. But Ezra and Nehemiah let the people know that this was a day of celebration. God had given them a new start. Their sadness was turned to gladness because the Lord would be their happiness and strength.

When we allow God's Word to speak to our hearts often our first response is to be aware of our sins. When we realize that God has forgiven us of our sins, we can experience true freedom and joy.

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