Saturday 28 February 2015

The days of your lives are blessed. Happy New Month

Dear Esteemed readers,

May this new month bring new opportunities your way and may it also bring a boost in your capabilities and give you strength to achieve greater things. Your going out and coming in is blessed.

Happy New Month! Keep Shinning!

Friday 27 February 2015

The Way Of Sorrow

Sorrow for our sins is the first stage of spiritual life. It is now like an apology given after an argument that is only meant to make the other person feel better.

It is a deep state of sorrow for our actions. In one way, sin is the death of our spirits before God and sorrow is the first step to the resurrection of our spirits.

This is not a one-time ritual to be performed for God's benefit, though. Rather, it becomes a continuous attitude within our hearts. We must always be mindful of depths to which our soul has been plunged, and recall the heights to which God's grace has brought us.

Text: Jeremiah 50:4-7, 20

Culled from The Holy Bible
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Wednesday 25 February 2015

Good and Evil Don't Mix

We don't have to look far to find evidence of evil in this world. There are people we deal with regularly who do not believe in Christ or who care little for God.

2 Corinthians 6:14, 7:1. In this passage, Paul tells the Corinthian believers to stay away from all evil things. Does that mean that we should stay away from people who are not Christians?

No. God expects us to befriend nonbelievers and share Christ with them. We should be good examples, showing them God's goodness. But when we spend too much time around sinful behaviour, we tend to see such actions as being acceptable.

That's whu we need to remember to spend time with other believers, strengthening our faith and celebrating God's greatness.

Culled from The Holy Bible
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The Giving Gift

In the Old Testament, God expected Israel to give 10% of their crops and income to support the temple and the priests. In the New Testament, God asks for generous giving to support his work.

"Every ma according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)

It may seem like a tremendous sacrifice to surrender any of our income to give to a church. Yes, giving our money or time to someone else seems like a sacrifice. But it is a sacrifice of love.

"For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not." (2 Corinthians 8:12)

Text: Malachi 3:8-10

Culled from The Holy Bible
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Tuesday 24 February 2015

RCCG presents 73 hour Messiah Marathon Praise | March 2-5 2015

The Redeemed Christian Church Of God presents the 4th edition of the MESSIAH MARATHON PRAISE; an annual praise event held in honour of  the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor E.A Adeboye.

As the Man of God will turn 73 this year,  this edition of the Marathon Praise will be for 73hours non-stop. Join as music ministers like Pastor Kunle Ajayi, D.J Sas, Ayan Jesu, Yetunde Aare, Bukola Bekes, Wamulele, National praise Team, National Youth Choir and host of others offer quality praises to the Almighty God.

Date: Monday March 2nd- Thursday March 5th, 2015

Time: 2pm prompt (Nigerian time)

Venue – Youth Centre, Redemption Camp, KM 46, Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Ogun state Nigeria.

Monday 23 February 2015

Age Is No Excuse

We carry around a load of excuses that we pull out when the occasion demands. For example, Jeremiah sought to avoid his calling by using age as an exemption.
Yet throughout the Bible there are numerous examples of God using peoiple despite their age. Joseph, Samuel and David were youngsters when they were called. Abraham and Noah received a call in their mature years.

The outward body doesn't matter to God; he looks for the willing heart. It doesn't matter how young or old you are.

What matters is the maturity of your heart. God has a way of using the most unlikely instruments to do his work. Even though we may feel ordinary, we never know when God may call us to do his work.

Culled from The Holy Bible
Photo Credit: fabafterfifty

Sunday 22 February 2015

I've Gotta Get Out of This Place

Everybody wants to escape now and then. We want to get away from mindless monotony, crushing responsibility and ruined relationships. We daydream of such escapes into a carefree, peaceful place.

Jeremiah's desire to escape had a different motive though. The longer he aligned himself with the will of God, the more he found himself out of step with his society. As a prophet he was always speaking against the lifestyle, politics and business practices of his neighbours. He wanted to run away rather than stay and try to make a difference.

Even Jesus expressed a desire to escape the responsibility of the cross but he resisted the impulse. "Father.....not my will but thine, be done". (Luke 22:42)

Then and now, God wants his people to live in the world and affect it from the inside. The responsibility of obeying God isn't so bad.

Jeremiah 9:2

Culled from The Holy Bible

Photo Credit:

Saturday 21 February 2015

Ace gospel singer, Tope Alabi covers the latest issue of The Celebrity Shoot

Featured on the cover of the 8th edition of the Celebrity Shoot is Nigeria's iconic gospel singer, Tope Alabi.

Unarguably the best female gospel musician in Nigeria, recall that the Evangelist rose to prominence after the release of her debut album, Oore ti o Common in 2002.

Friday 20 February 2015

Drowning in misery

You've lost your job, the car needs to be repaired, the kids have been fighting again and your "friends" have deserted you. Your feet feel like they are planted in thick mud and the river is quickly rising to your chin.

Your voice is hoarse and your eyes are swollen from your tears. Where is God when you need him?

Don't be afraid for despite your overwhelming circumstances, God can be trusted. The day will soon come when you can "tell the heavens and earth to start singing! Tell the mountains and every tree in the forest to join in the song! The Lord has rescued his people, now they will worship him"

Psalm 69: 1-3, 13-17, Isaiah 44:23

Culled from The Holy Bible
Photo Credit: Bestsaying quotes

Thursday 19 February 2015

Do You Laugh At God?

We would probably be quick to doubt if we were told what Sarah had been told. It simply does not seem possible to bear a child at the age of ninety!

But God kept his promise to Abraham and Sarah and Isaac (meaning "laughter") was a reminder of how Sarah had laughed at the idea of having a child. Now Sarah was laughing with joy.

It is easy for us to doubt when situations appear impossible. Some things are too far beyond our understanding but God is not to be limited. The next time we doubt God, we can remember what he did for Sarah.

Culled from The Holy Bible

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Tears In A Bottle

In the times of our greatest distress we
can trust in this promise: God hears our prayers (Isaiah 38:5). While we weep with frustration or agony, God captures our tears as they fall. He carefully collects our sorrows and holds them close.

With his great patience, God has noticed the times we have strayed from his path and have stumbled on the rocks. And yet, no matter how weak or pitiful our words may seem, God does not forget the cries of those in need.

Remember the words of the Psalmist- You protected me from death and kept me from stumbling.

(Psalm 56:8,13)

Culled from The Holy Bible

Photo Credit:

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Look What I Found

‎Hilkiah's statement to Shaphan would be like our saying, "Look what I found - a Bible, in church if all places!"

Where had the book of God's‎ Law been for so long? Perhaps it had been right there, covered with dust and clutter. While God's people had been busy worshipping false gods, they had totally neglected the powerful Word of God.

We often fall into a similar trap. Most of us have ready access to a Bible, but many of us fail to explore the great riches in its pages.

When we read the Bible with a desire to know God better, He will speak to our hearts and minds.

The Bible will come alive for us, and we will discover that the God of the Bible is the one true God.

Culled from The Bible
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