Tuesday 17 February 2015

Look What I Found

‎Hilkiah's statement to Shaphan would be like our saying, "Look what I found - a Bible, in church if all places!"

Where had the book of God's‎ Law been for so long? Perhaps it had been right there, covered with dust and clutter. While God's people had been busy worshipping false gods, they had totally neglected the powerful Word of God.

We often fall into a similar trap. Most of us have ready access to a Bible, but many of us fail to explore the great riches in its pages.

When we read the Bible with a desire to know God better, He will speak to our hearts and minds.

The Bible will come alive for us, and we will discover that the God of the Bible is the one true God.

Culled from The Bible
Photo Credit: m5.paperblog.com

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