Sunday 22 February 2015

I've Gotta Get Out of This Place

Everybody wants to escape now and then. We want to get away from mindless monotony, crushing responsibility and ruined relationships. We daydream of such escapes into a carefree, peaceful place.

Jeremiah's desire to escape had a different motive though. The longer he aligned himself with the will of God, the more he found himself out of step with his society. As a prophet he was always speaking against the lifestyle, politics and business practices of his neighbours. He wanted to run away rather than stay and try to make a difference.

Even Jesus expressed a desire to escape the responsibility of the cross but he resisted the impulse. "Father.....not my will but thine, be done". (Luke 22:42)

Then and now, God wants his people to live in the world and affect it from the inside. The responsibility of obeying God isn't so bad.

Jeremiah 9:2

Culled from The Holy Bible

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