Friday 13 March 2015

A day of darkness in Lekki | By: Pastor Bolaji Idowu

The darkness of sin, perversion, tragedy and loss remains consistent in today's world. One such tragedy occurred in Lagos yesterday as several people lost their lives in a carefully planned robbery operation where 12 men held an entire street hostage, bringing fear and trepidation to the hearts of men.

"Safety does not rest in our distance from the danger, but in our nearness to God." – Anon.

Nobody woke up that morning planning to die. Of those that died, yesterday was supposed to be a regular day where they go to work and come back home to their families, friends and loved ones. If they knew it was their last day, they would have done a lot of things differently: told their loved ones how they really felt, settled as many scores as they could and most importantly, they would have made right with their Maker.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed here on
earth, we only have today to make the most of our lives. Tragedies like this bring the reality of eternity to the fore of everyone's mind and pose the question: are you in right standing with your Maker? Being in right standing with your Maker doesn't mean you are perfect, it means you acknowledge and accept the finished works on Christ on the cross and are living a life of faith, a life that is pleasing to God. That's how you make the most of your today.

It is God's desire for you to have the guarantee of eternal bliss when you depart from the world. That's why He sent Jesus to bear the sins of the whole world upon Himself.

He threw the offer open to as many people as are willing to believe and receive Him into their hearts.

Like the scripture says "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If ANYONE hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."

This offer of salvation is valid for all tribes, races and social classes. There is no one so good that they have no need for Christ and there is no one so bad that God's grace cannot restore.

Many people wonder if there really is a God in heaven and if He is, why He allows bad things happen. God has given us the free will to either choose or reject Him. Being a merciful God, He keeps giving each and every one of us one more chance.

According to the scriptures, "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering towards us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance."

It is safe to trust in this God Who never runs out of second chances for us. Today may be your last chance to make things right with Him. Don't leave it till tomorrow. If you haven't already accepted Christ into your heart, there is no better time than now to do it. If you have but you are not consistent in the faith, there is no better time to start being consistent than now.

The scripture says "And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this is the judgment"

There is light and hope for everyone who accepts and believes in Jesus, hope in this life and in the life to come.

Jesus said "The thief comes but to steal, to kill and to destroy, but I have come that you may have life and have it
more abundantly"

The abundant life Jesus promised covers all aspects of our lives. The presence of Jesus in our lives brings peace, hope
and joy. His Word and Spirit are able to change your perspective of life and you begin to enjoy life in a way you never imagined possible. This abundant life Jesus promised is still valid for all who will trust in Him.

You have the assurance that no matter what, you and God are on the winning team. May the God of all comfort provide comfort to those who lost oved ones in that tragedy and all who mourn.

May the light of His Love bring healing and warmth into all of our lives.

By Pastor Bolaji Idowu

Senior Pastor,
Harvesters International Christian Centre
Follow @pastorbolaji on Twitter

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