Tuesday 3 March 2015

I Forgive You

‎This is among the greatest phrases in any language. After a long separation caused by disagreement between friends or lovers, to forgive each other I'd a welcome relief. 

To be forgiven is to begin life all over with renewed hope that life will be beautiful again.

Forgiveness is not an emotion. It is a decision. When we choose to forgive someone, God will see to it that the feelings of forgiveness foll‎ow that decision. God always stands ready to forgive us.

Like David in this Psalm, our sorrow for some sins may be unbearable. Only God knows our deep need of forgiveness. Like David, we will find God's ‎"welcome home" When we come to him.

Text Psalm 32: 1-4
Culled from The Holy Bible.
Photocredit: ou.org

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